Urban Krag Climbing Center

If you like to climb or want to give it a try, Urban Krag Climbing Center offers Ohio’s most diverse and largest indoor climbing walls in what was once an abandoned and decrepit church at the corner of Clay and Cass streets. We tend to think of climbing as an adult exercise, but in reality, kids can climb, too. The minimum age to climb is 4 years old, accompanied by a belay-certified legal guardian or parent. (Belaying refers to monitoring the rope system that protects the climber if they fall.) 

The beauty of Urban Krag is that it’s not the typical climb you see at fairs and gathering places. The center features over 10,000 feet of vertical terrain varying in height from 28 to 56 feet, and an inclined bouldering wall for both beginners and experienced climbers.  

First Timers Welcome 

Getting started at Urban Krag offers two choices: bouldering in short climbs close to the ground that don’t involve ropes, or if you’re over 14, completing a belay certification course. Staff belayers and auto-belays are not available. All climbers must have a waiver, so check the website for requirements and to print and complete it.   

Day passes, memberships and equipment rentals are available.  

125 Clay St., Dayton | urbankrag.com  

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